Design that solves your problem.

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my work

An introvert that likes to be among people. I'm driven by the organization, optimization, analysis, and critical thinking of the design processes.

  • To develop something new or to rethink something, I like to dive into the subject and who is going to see the final result. So, research and identify the problems, define the outcomes that would make sense, generate ideas, and test them.

    Although design methodologies are my foundation, the process itself itโ€™s not set in stone, if changes come in the middle of it, I take them into account. It's important to make a mix of critical thinking and best practices with the reality of the business and corporate world.

  • I've worked mostly as a graphic designer for many industries: fair-trade, editorial & publishers, financial, governmental, events, and advertising. I've done good and bad. I've humbled and learned when my first print layout came out all pixelated, and I took pride when the quality of my work made my bosses and colleagues sad when I had to leave.

    I understood the importance to have processes and also respect peopleโ€™s differences. Tools are made to make us less overwhelmed and to avoid tracking and micro-management.

  • I've graduated as a visual communicator in graphic design in 2015 from a traditional academic university. This shaped my critical and scientific way of thinking design, and also my always-learning approach. In the following years when in the market, I focused on the visual outcomes of the projects I was involved in.

    10 years after starting my design learning road, feeling satisfied with most of the hard skills and soft skills that the field requires, in 2021 I started my post-graduation in UX/UI, and more and more I'm diving into the research and analysis aspects of it.

    As an ambition, I would like to contribute to teams and businesses with insights, data analysis, usability tests, and monitoring of good methodologies for their industries.



All works on this site are the property of my clients and are featured here with their express permission and with neutralized information.